Fascinating Lecture: Megawatts and Magnanimity: A Sociologist Visits Iceland


Resident Caroline Persell has always wanted to see the Northern Lights, so last March from the 15th through the 19th, when her alma mater Swarthmore College sponsored a short trip to Iceland, she and her sister decided to go.  When they arrived, they learned it had been cloudy every night for two months, so they might not see any Northern Lights!  However, they ended up finding the country fascinating geologically, socially, and artistically.

 After the first two days, they felt like they had been there two weeks because they packed so much in and had such good guides, as well as a college faculty member who lectured on the sources of the Northern Lights.  In her October l talk and slide show, Caroline will share some of what she saw and learned about Iceland’s vibrant geology, history, society, and arts from the visit and relevant readings.

Caroline Hodges Persell is professor emerita of sociology at NYU.  She received her B.A. in English literature from Swarthmore College and an M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from Columbia University.

Caroline’s presentation will be held in the Gathering Room, Monday, Oct. 1 at 7:30 pm