Give-And-Take Table Returns

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One of Kendal's great traditions, the Give-And-Take Table, will be available from Saturday, September 1 until Friday, September 7.  As usual, look for it on the T level of Mary Powell, just across from and a little to the right of the elevators. 

This table appreciates your giving it lots of different things that you once liked, used, perhaps adored, but no longer!  Now, you either are willing to give it up because of lack of space in your apartment, or you’ve come to detest it, but yet know that somebody else might care for it and give it a loving home.

Exclusions: pillows and fabrics, shoes, knives and other sharp objects.  Also, anything noisy that cries, squawks, pleads, or otherwise demands the attention of a new owner.  A string is nice, but only if it is long enough to tie a package

Questions or suggestions? Call or speak to Bert Pepper or Peggy McLaughlin.