Senior Issues

Telephone Scam Alert


At least one resident here at KoH has received two telephone calls where the caller said they were from Amazon Prime and wanted to alert them that $200 had just been charged to their Amazon account. If that charge was in error, the recipient of the call should push 1 (or some number) on the phone. The resident did not push anything but hung up and a bit later checked their Amazon account from their computer. Needless to say, in neither case was such a charge listed in their account. Those examples convinced the resident that the caller was “phishing” for information from them and that the call was bogus. Hence this posting to alert others who might receive such calls.

The "It's Your Grandson" Telephone Scam Returns


Early one morning one of us received a call from someone who said, “Hi Grandma, it’s your grandson!” When asked who it was, the scratchy-voiced caller said, “Don’t you recognize my voice?” The resident recipient answered “No,” and hung up. This scam appeared several years ago and seems to have reappeared. So be careful about unidentified callers, particularly if they call when you’re sleepy.

To read more, click here.

Noteworthy Books for Children - Great Gifts for the Holidays


Selections from two sources. The New York Times identifies and briefly describes books for three reading levels: picture books, middle grade and young adult.  Click here for the New York Times selections.  Brain Pickings, a weekly on-line digest offers its in-depth review (with pictures and synopsis)  of their selected Best Children's Books of 2016. Click here for the Brain Pickings selection. 

The Power of Being Needed

Despite their differences in religion and politics, the Dalai Lama and Arthur C. Brooks agree on the healthful and joyful consequences of being useful to others.  They note a research study showing that senior citizens who didn't feel useful to others were nearly three times as likely to die prematurely than those who did feel useful.  Click here to read the article.

Jo-Ann Rapaport's Solution to Dry Winter Skin

How do you get moisturizing lotion smoothly between your shoulder blades on your back?  That’s where the itch associated with winter’s dry skin seems unreachable and intolerable to me.  Here’s my solution.  After showering and applying lotion everywhere I can reach, I take a square of paper towel and fold it into thirds.  I then pump moisturizing lotion over the entire exposed third.  I hold the top of the paper towel and place it on the nape of my neck. I then reach around for the other end of the paper towel and sweep it from side to side.   Amazingly I’ve just put moisturizing cream on parts of my back  I’ve never reached before!